Juan Martinez-Day 7-PLTW Notebook

Today in the morning we took the unit 2 and 3 test.  I forgot it was unit two as well and I only studied on unit three well that was all on me.  I believe today we are starting a new unit.  I hope I can ace the next test.  We are now constructing pieces for a puzzle cube.  We add cubes to more cubes making a figure allowing us what are puzzle cube's pieces are going to look like.  We also did models for our puzzle cube I was able to make a puzzle that uses 26 cubes I just need to figure where inside the cube it's going to fit.

1.      Why is it so important for a designer to think of multiple solutions to a design problem?
  It's important because if one solution were not to work they would need a backup right away.  That's why we need multiple pieces for this cube.

2.      What steps did you take to determine the exact number of possible combinations for each set of cubes?
 I just started with a base and started adding and taking off cubes.  This way was the easiest for me.

3.      Why is it important to sketch your ideas on paper and sign and date the document?
It's important so you can't easily lose your work and so you can build your pieces to sacle if drawn clearly.5

1.      Why is it important to have designs and drawings reviewed by peers?
It's important so they can find mistakes that you had when you were creating the drawing that is why it's important.
