Juan Martinez-Day 12-PLTW Notebook

Today we are continuing using CAD we are now creating more 3-D sketches with fillets,hole,panels Etc...
1.                                                            What CAD feature would be used to most efficiently model a baseball bat (Extrude, Loft, Revolve, Sweep)? Explain your answer.
Revolve would be the best since you can revolve one angle from a baseball and revolve it up to 360 degrees allowing it to look like a real ball. 

2.                                                            How does a 3D CAD solid model program display the progression of work involved in creating a model?
 It shows that these models must take time and effort in order for us to create them.

3.      If a mistake is made, how does the user make a correction without using the undo function?
The user can possibly delete his mistake allowing him to innovate making the 3-D model look better without having to use the undo button.
